Sunday 14 February 2010

Pick Up Lines For Girls - 10 Pick Up Lines You Can Practice

This is a tribute to all who want to learn about the pick up lines for girls. I am sure that you will enjoy all these things just as much as I did when I was learning them. But, first let me get things straight.

1 - Always have confidence when you deliver them.
2 - Make sure that you have the courage to back it up.
3 - Learn how to understand men and their egos.

These are the three things that I want you to know before you learn the pick up lines for girls. I am a girl like you and I know how it feels. So, take it as a warning so that things will be easier for you in the long run.

Pick up line 1: (When you are in the bar) "Hey! You are with me."

Pick up line 2: (Approaching a group of guys) "Which one of you is man enough to buy me a drink?"

Pick up line 3: (Get a pen or paper and approach a guy) "Hey, did you drop this?"

Pick up line 4: (Talking to a guy you like) I like untainted men.

Pick up line 5: (Approach any guy you are attracted to) "You really look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

Pick up line 6: So, how about going to the game with me on Sunday?

Pick up line 7: Are you going to ask me out or I will just pretend that you are?

Pick up line 8: Man I love sports!

Pick up line 9: I must be going blind. You just went inside my heart and I did not even notice you.

Pick up line 10: Are you a model because I must have seen you on a magazine?

I hope you learned something from these sets of pick up lines for girls and enjoyed applying them as much as I did. But, if you are not sure you can pull it over then I suggest you practice first.

But, just like the rest of the population, I know you are still longing for more pick up lines for pick up lines for girls. Therefore, you just need to follow this link that I provide and I will take you to the fun world of dating and love.

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Tuesday 9 February 2010

Why Using the Best Pick Up Lines Won't Get You Any Dates Tonight

I'm sure most of us guys have used some of our best pick up lines at some point on a girl. I know I have on many an occasion. Some can be funny to use, others are just way too cheesy. Below are some of the best pick up lines I have found, use them at your own risk!

Number 1: Do you believe in love at first site? Or shall I just walk past again?

Number 2: I bet your legs are tired, cause you've been running around my mind all night.

Number 3: Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?

Number 4: Hi, I just thought I would come over and introduce myself, because my friend thinks I could be good for you...

Number 5: I'm sure I have seen your face somewhere before... Oh yeah! there's a picture of you in the dictionary under the word FANTASTIC!

Listen, to be honest, your success rate with those best pickup lines will be very slim. A lot of women find pick up lines creepy, weird and plain right daft. If you plan on approaching a woman, leave your best pickup lines at home.

Instead, just be yourself, and be spontaneous. You'll only end up looking like an goofball if you use them. Find something that is around you to start a conversation, like something funny you have observed. Better still ask a woman for her opinion on a subject that women know a lot about.

You could say that your friend has been dating a girl for three months or more, and she wants to move in with him, what do you think he should do etc etc.Women will respond more better to a good opening conversation than some of those best pick up lines you've heard.

So, if you are stuck for how to approach a woman, and you keep using some of the best pick up lines out there with no success, get yourself educated in the art of seduction techniques, and learn how to approach women the right way. There are some really great books out there covering methods that will work much better.

Want some secret seduction methods you can succeed with instead of using your best pick up lines? Then you must visit the world's best resource. Go to this site immediately:

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Thursday 4 February 2010

Great Pick Up Lines Make Good Memories

What constitutes a great pick up line is how well it is remembered by those who took part in the meeting. If you have memories that make you smile then it was a great pick up line.

It is these memories that will stay with you into your 'old age' when your eyes grow dim while sitting in a rocker on your front porch so make the memories worth the reliving.

The best pick up line is a smile and a hello. This will always be a standard answer from me and you will no doubt read it in just about everything I write on this subject. It is always a communication beginning that opens or closes a conversation quickly and can never be under estimated or over used.

The next best pick up line is the one that comes naturally. It could be about something around you, the event that you are attending, the food, the service (but don't whinge too much here...just a comment on the bad service if necessary) otherwise she will have you pegged as a "whinger" and they are not the type of person most people want to be around.

Another great pick up line is the considerate one. If you are at a sporting match for example, just make sure s/he can see or if s/he would like your seat; or if she/he needs an extra hand to balance the drink and popcorn or whatever, offer a helping hand. Anyone who shows consideration and understanding towards another person's problem gets to the citadel much faster then someone who stands back and watches.

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Wednesday 3 February 2010

5 Great Pick-Up Lines in Spanish

Have you ever been at a bar and spied a gorgeous woman (or man) but lacked the pickup lines and the confidence to approach them? Well, here's a secret weapon to add to your arsenal - try some pick-up lines in a foreign language. Spanish conjures up images of hot, passionate nights spent under a full moon with a smouldering raven haired beauty. But, to take that all important first step you should be armed with some serious pick-up lines. So don your black shirt and put on your best Antonio Banderas accent and let blast with these infallible pick-up lines.

1. Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.

Hola, soy el Señor Derecho. Alguien ha dicho que estaba buscando para mí.

2. What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room?

¿Cómo se siente al ser la más bella muchacha en esta sala?

3. Are you lost? Because heaven's a long way from here.

¿Estás perdido? Porque el cielo es un largo camino desde aquí.

4. Hello, I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart.

Hola, soy un ladrón, y estoy aquí para robar tu corazón.

5. Hey I just realized this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend.

Hola Acabo de esta realidad, pero usted busca mucho al igual que mi próxima novia.

Ok, the quality might be cheesy but lets face it, when you try these pickup lines in your best Spanish accent the girls will just be falling over themselves to get with you - even if they don't speak Spanish.

If you would like to make up your own pick-up lines, or even better learn a whole new language then I can recommend Rocket Spanish as the ideal starting point. Find out more about it at

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Sunday 31 January 2010

Thought there were no more corny pick up lines out there? Think again

* Excuse me but you dropped something? … my jaw when you walked in.

* I have only three months to live. ..

* Wow. (sometimes one word is good enough 30% of the time)

* Hi. I would like to award you the {Whatever beer we were drinking} award for looking so good. Now if you will give me your name, number and other vital statistics, I would like to enter you in our grand prize drawing for an all-expenses paid date with me.

* It’s my birthday! How about a birthday kiss? (Is it really your birthday?) No, but how about a kiss anyway?

* Excuse me, I just got out of prison and need someone to turn straight again, can you help?

* I run a sex toy store and need some product testers, can I count on you?

* If you stood in front of a mirror and help up 11 roses, you would see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world.

* I bet you cannot wait until tomorrow, because I bet that you get more and more beautiful every day.

* I can’t believe I’ve been hear the entire evening with all these beautiful people and the moment I find ‘The One’, all I have time to say is “good bye”.

* (If s/he is looking at you)You know, my mother always told me it was impolite to stare… so what do you say we dance?

* I can see you. [Uh, yeah.] Great! Then how about tomorrow.

* Can I try a few pick up lines on you? [give some good ones and some lame ones] OK, I have just one more line for you: Can I try a few pick up lines on you?

* You see my friend over there? [Point to friend who sheepishly waves from afar] He wants to know if YOU think I’M cute.

* The only thing your eyes haven’t told me is your name.

* (give the person a bottle of tequila) Drink this, then call me when you’re ready.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

How To Flirt With A Girl - In 3 Simple Steps

Flirting with a girl is all about having fun at the same time giving her strong flirting signals that you might be interested in her. Flirting with a girl involves being spontaneous and a fast thinker. Flirting requires very good communication skills as most of the part of it would be verbal therefore in order to become a good flirt with a girl you need to master the art of communication before hand. There are several other essential aspects to flirting with a girl read on to discover what these aspects are and how you can master them.

Be good at talking- Like mentioned above flirting with girls is all about being a good talker and very fast with switching words and topics. You would never be a good flirt unless you master your tongue and the words which come out of your mouth. The very first impression you make is based on the way you talk therefore in order to flirt effectively with a girl you need to be a king of communication.

Over confidence is the key- Yes you heard it! In order to become good at flirting with a girl you need to flaunt confidence and this confidence needs to be spontaneous and over the top. Sometimes over confidence is what's required to flirt effectively with a girl.

Be humorous- Humor forms the overall foundation of flirting. If you take out humor than it wound be more boring than amusing. Remember the true key to flirting with a girl is all about being funny and making her laugh. Everyone wants to laugh and if you can make a girl feel good than she would most definitely love to see you again and again. You need to become a permanent expert flirt than an occasional flirt who gets rejected by girls all the time.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but men absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover some of the most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know- 9 Most Shocking Secrets Women don't want men to know

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Monday 25 January 2010

Pick Up Lines That Are Funny - What You Need to Help You Pick Up Girls

It is almost common knowledge nowadays that pick up lines that are funny have something different compared with romantic, cheesy or sweet pick up lines.

Is it complicated? Of course not! Anyone can do it? Almost anyone, yes, but you must first know yourself to know which one is best for you to choose. What is the basic idea behind all these pick up lines that are funny? Well, it is simple. Show your funny side first and allow them to know the other sides of you later. If you can get trough this step then things are becoming a lot easier.

Here are some 20 random pick up lines that are funny for you to use:

1. What can you do besides being sexy?
2. Beautiful, you must be very tired because all day you walked through my mind.
3. I am like a computer... You can play with my mind all day.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I introduce myself again?
5. Excuse me, can I borrow your phone number? I just lost mine.
6. I am so excited that I forgot my greatest pick up line.
7. You know, I just realized that you look a lot like my next girlfriend.
8. I know that milk it is good for the body`s health, but, my dear, you how much did you drink?
9. It is said that an average person falls in love 7 times until marriage. Honey, you are the seventh for me.
10. Not usually meet with models, but I will do an exception this time. You can have my phone number.
11. Your father is an alien? Otherwise I cannot explain myself why there is no other girl as beautiful as you in the world.
12. You are like a clam. Hard to open, but the pearl inside is worth every effort.
13. If I had a penny for every girl that I have met as beautiful as you, I would had been very poor.
14. Hey, is it hot in here? Because I feel that I am melting for you.
15. Do you take dance lessons? Because I have never seen a more graceful walk.
16. What is like to be the most beautiful girl in the room?
17. I would buy you a drink, but I would be jealous of the glass.
18. Can you give me a photo of you to send it to Santa Claus so he can see exactly what I want?
19. Someone please give a glass of water because you are so spicy.
20. It would be a good idea for you to go out with me, because I will tell everyone that you did anyway.

Probably not all of them will work for you because there are a lot to consider when you are trying to pick up girls, but is almost impossible that at some moment some of these pick up lines that are funny will not work. Practice a lot and see what works for you best.

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